So Friday was my 21st Birthday. I started the day by going shopping with my female roommate at Kohl's, I bought a ton of new clothes with my Christmas money. Then I went and got my hair highlighted and cut (it was way over do, but I was waiting for Christmas money to do it with).
I went home and got ready for like an hour, then M picked me up. He is the guy I have been going out with and hanging out with all week, we met online. He took me out to dinner and we sat and conversed at the restaurant for almost 3 hours. I had a blast. He is like the perfect guy, really sweet and outgoing, and he has all of the qualities I look for in a guy.
After that he dropped me off and home. Me, the roomies and C went out for drinks, starting with the local bowling alley, then moving to a near by sports bar. I had so much fricking fun. My female roomy and another female friend who had joined us decided it would be funny to tell the DJ and the bouncers it was my birthday. The DJ called me up to the stage and had me take a blow job shot off some army guy in front of everyone, I was so totally embarrassed.
I also slightly chipped my top and bottom teeth on the shot glass. The night was so exhilarating though, it was a total right of passage. I danced with C, then my female roomy. We totally end up making out on the dance floor, lol.
I am in a really happy mood right now, not just because of my birthday, but because things are finally getting into place. I have Alaina half the time, I am working a lot, I am on break from school, and this totally awesome and amazing guy just appeared in my life. Not only all of those things, but I have the best friends that anyone could wish for. I am still stressed a lot, but things seem more manageable.
I went home and got ready for like an hour, then M picked me up. He is the guy I have been going out with and hanging out with all week, we met online. He took me out to dinner and we sat and conversed at the restaurant for almost 3 hours. I had a blast. He is like the perfect guy, really sweet and outgoing, and he has all of the qualities I look for in a guy.
After that he dropped me off and home. Me, the roomies and C went out for drinks, starting with the local bowling alley, then moving to a near by sports bar. I had so much fricking fun. My female roomy and another female friend who had joined us decided it would be funny to tell the DJ and the bouncers it was my birthday. The DJ called me up to the stage and had me take a blow job shot off some army guy in front of everyone, I was so totally embarrassed.
I also slightly chipped my top and bottom teeth on the shot glass. The night was so exhilarating though, it was a total right of passage. I danced with C, then my female roomy. We totally end up making out on the dance floor, lol.
I am in a really happy mood right now, not just because of my birthday, but because things are finally getting into place. I have Alaina half the time, I am working a lot, I am on break from school, and this totally awesome and amazing guy just appeared in my life. Not only all of those things, but I have the best friends that anyone could wish for. I am still stressed a lot, but things seem more manageable.